CHOC receives donation to establish an integrative gastroenterology and culinary medicine program

CHOC receives donation to establish an integrative gastroenterology and culinary medicine program

A generous gift will help establish an innovative integrative gastroenterology multidisciplinary clinic and a culinary medicine program at Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), enhancing the treatment of children with gastroenterological conditions by adding evidence-based integrative care aided by food and nutrition.

Thanks to the generosity of Sherry and John Phelan, the program will provide patients with coordinated, holistic care and the dietary, emotional and psychosocial support they need to cope with their symptoms and ultimately find relief, health and healing. These additions will incorporate multidisciplinary specialties such as psychology, nutrition and complementary medicine into CHOC’s already robust gastroenterology program.

“We are incredibly grateful for the visionary support of Sherry and John Phelan,” said Dr. Ashish Chogle, who is medical director of gastroenterology at CHOC and will lead the new programs. “Their generous gift underscores their continued commitment to holistic healthcare and dedication to making a difference in the lives of innumerable children. Their generosity will help CHOC emerge as a true leader in pediatric integrative healthcare.

Our care model will deliver better outcomes and an elevated family experience. Ultimately, we hope to influence public health strategies and foster widespread acceptance of holistic health practices, including using food as medicine in pediatric care.”

The Phelans’ generous gift will allow the integrative gastroenterology clinic to be held weekly to support patients with various conditions,  including chronic abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, gastrointestinal motility disorders, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), constipation, and nutrition- and obesity-related issues. 

Thanks to the gift, numerous patients will benefit from a pediatric psychologist trained in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and hypnotherapy; a dedicated pediatric dietician; and other clinicians trained in various integrative treatment modalities.

Additionally aligned with the philosophy that food is medicine, the generous gift will establish the foundation for a culinary medicine program to support CHOC gastroenterology patients. The program will include educational workshops led by medical chefs.

Longtime supporters of CHOC, John and Sherry Phelan have previously supported the healthcare system’s mental health, child life, neonatology and research programs.

“We are excited to support this comprehensive program at CHOC and have all the confidence in the team, which is rapidly moving this concept into action with a brilliant clinician and staff and plan in place,” said Sherry Phelan, PhD, an organizational psychologist and artist who integrates her psychology training into her art. Dr. Phelan also chairs the Advisory Board of UCI’s Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute.


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