Community Service Office Reports Increased Clientele and New Funding Initiatives | Local News

Community Service Office Reports Increased Clientele and New Funding Initiatives | Local News

KXLG – Watertown, SD Community Service Director Sarah Foust provided an update on the office’s activities and funding opportunities, including applying for a one million grant, at last week’s Codington County Commissioners meeting.

In October alone, the office served 48 unique individuals. Administrative fees received from CARES/ERA amounted to $3,750, and Medicaid reimbursements for the IMPACT (Individuals Making Positive Actions Can Thrive) program totaled $2,192 for the month. Efforts to sustain the community health worker (CHW) program are ongoing, including increasing Medicaid reimbursements and partnering with Quick Care for clients without primary care providers.

Foust also mentioned an ongoing application for a $1 million COSSUP (Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program) grant to support justice-impacted individuals with substance use disorders. An update on this application is expected soon. Additionally, the office is seeking permission to apply for a $100,000 implementation funding grant to continue its work, a topic scheduled for later discussion in the meeting.

Introducing a new concept, Sarah shared insights from the Healthy Wealthy Communities conference she attended in Mitchell, South Dakota, in early October. Wellmark Insurance presented the idea of a Comprehensive Wealth Framework, which aims to integrate various community efforts, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and attract impactful funding opportunities.

Sarah provided updates on other ongoing initiatives, including the interagency meeting at the state offices, the Watertown Area Memory Care and Aging Network’s monthly focus on Alzheimer’s support, and the upcoming Housing Summit on November 20th, facilitated by Maximizing Excellence.

Additionally, Sarah discussed the idea of a centralized location for social service agencies to enhance collaboration and service delivery. Efforts to identify suitable properties and funding opportunities are underway, with more information to follow.

Following her report, Sarah sought authorization to apply for the $100,000 implementation funding grant. She noted that the actual grant submission is due by December 15, 2024, with earlier planning deadlines imposed by their coaches. The team, which includes Judge Carmen Means, Kari Johnston from the Human Service Agency, Monica Everson from the hospital, Alexis Buysse, the Mental Health Resource Officer, Commissioner Gabel, and Stacy Hendricks from Brothers and Sisters Behind Bars, has worked diligently and is ready to move forward with the grant application.

Commissioner VanDusen motioned to approve the grant application request, which Commissioner Gabel seconded. With no further questions, the motion was carried unanimously.


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