During the period, health cluster partners carried out humanitarian health response activities in close collaboration with the government covering various domains; epidemiological surveillance, vaccination, reproductive health, mental health, WASH, nutrition, medical and drug supplies, support for health service delivery and the health facilities and community level, capacity building of health staff, trauma and injury care, child health including nutrition, Mental health and psychological support, non-communicable diseases, Emergency obstetric care. Gender-based violence, HIV and sexually transmitted infections, water, sanitation, and hygiene and environmental (WATSAN) and referral services.
As part of key response efforts health cluster partners supported SPS/DPS to response to cholera outbreak where 490 patients were provided treatment in Northern Mozambique. In addition, health partners response to conjunctivitis outbreak reported in virtually all the districts where cumulatively 18,984 cases of bacteria conjunctivitis had been reported and 155 cases with haemorrhage reported as at the end of April. 302 Integrated Mobile Brigades teams (IMBs) were deployed to serve the affected population in hard to access areas and resettlement sites reaching 27,792 beneficiaries, which was an increase compared to march (22,612). Equally continuous identification and tracking of PLHIV defaulters requiring ART treatment and linked to HIV services are key for humanitarian response where 1113 PLHIV were traced for continued treatment. This was achieved with deployment of a network community activists who also conducted awareness raising on COVID-19, HIV prevention, and sexual and reproductive health services. 3854 normal deliveries were attended by skilled birth attendants. Through health education talks 18,647 community members received health education messages using Information Education and Communication (IEC) assorted materials.
Targets & Prioritization: Health response aims for maximum integration to influence indicators across different sectors, reducing mortality and morbidity and improving population standards of living. In 2024, the health cluster is intervening in 17 districts in Cabo Delgado, 15 districts in Nampula and 4 Districts in Niassa, the most affected by conflict, aiming to deliver free and effective preventive and curative emergency health services to crisis-affected people. The integrated primary health-care package will be employed, with emphasis on high impact interventions like vaccination, timely treatment of the most common. To facilitate the work of frontline partners, the cluster will strengthen an emergency health pipeline where kits will be available and easily accessible. Activities will be implemented in coordination with the WASH and Nutrition Cluster and all relevant sectors.