At 100 years old, Miriam Todd works more hours than many people a fraction of her…
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Study Reveals New Secret to a Longer, Healthier Life
The secret to healthy aging could be bacteria. Specifically, the trillions of bacteria that live in…
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The Joy of Food – Chasing Life with Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Dr. Sanjay Gupta 00:00:01 You know, it’s not lost upon me that as we’ve spent an…
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Seven tips for targeting inflammaging and promoting a longer healthier life
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain By 2050, it is predicted that one in four people in the…
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Live long and prosper? 7 top tips for targeting inflammaging and promoting a longer healthier life
By 2050, it is predicted that one in four people in the UK will be aged…
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Healthy Aging: Some Best Tips For Older Adults To Increase Their Quality Of Life
Embracing personalized plans empowers older adults to lead active and fulfilling lives. Here are some useful…
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Ways to Extend Your Healthy Years, Not Just Your Life
November 1, 2023 3 min read The biology of aging shows ways to lengthen your healthspan,…
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